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The pitcher is one of the most sought after positions in softball. Everyone wants to be the pitcher, the center of attention. Although Jenny Finch, Monica Abbott, Amanda Scarborough, and so many others make pitching look EASY, anyone who's tried knows this is not the case. Don't worry! The Backstop offers one-on-one fastpitch softball pitching lessons. Our instructors have years of experience and have all pitched at the collegiate level. They have an extensive arsenal of drills to help softball pitchers at any level. They break the motion down and work on legs, arm circle as well as spin and snap. Our softball pitching lessons also incorporate agility to build stamina. Pitchers are involved in every pitch of every game they need to be able to last, especially when it comes to nail biting extra inning games!
As always, in addition to mechanics, our instructors will help you tap into the mental side of the game. A pitcher's mental game is the most important and hardest part of pitching. You have to deal with bad umpires, people hitting your pitches, the occasional walk, bad pitch or error in the field that you can't let effect the rest of your game. Pitchers who have a strong mental game are pitchers who will go far. We instruct on situational pitch placing as well as overall game situation strategies.
We see the greatest individual improvements with continuous one-on-one softball pitching lessons.
Each one-hour fastpitch softball pitching lesson includes:
Pitching mechanics training and practice
Pitching strategy + mental preparedness
Situational pitch placement
Members receive discounts on lessons, clinics, merch, and more! Contact us to set up one-on-one softball pitching lessons with one of our amazing highly qualified staff members!